Why Do I Need to Conduct a Dust Hazard Analysis?

In 2017, a corn milling explosion killed 5 employees and injured the remaining 14 working the night of the incident. This tragic event resulted in the U.S. Chemical Safety Board conducting an investigation, updating their combustible dust data, and making a “Call to Action on Combustible Dust Hazards”.
The Deadline for NFPA 652 is Fast Approaching – Are You Compliant?

Covering the basics of combustible dust safety, NFPA 652 Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust lays out a consistent set of standards across all industries. With a goal to prevent loss of life and facility from catastrophic fire and explosion, the regulation outlines required actions for businesses to stay compliant.
Important Changes to NFPA 484, 2019 Edition

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has rolled out the latest version of NFPA 484 Standard for Combustible Metals this year. Addressing facilities and industries that generate and handle combustible metal dusts and powders, this newest version of NFPA 484 comes with a substantial number of changes.