There is one dust collection apparatus that is often overlooked for less expensive or older technologies that, in reality, boasts a wide range of use-cases. In fact, the applications for this device are so varied, that it warranted an article of its own. With such wide applications possible for these tools, they have the potential to impact the health and safety of workers in practically all industries across manufacturing, food production, metalworking, wood working, stone working, painting and finishing, pharmaceuticals, and more.
As employees and employers are becoming more acutely aware of the hazards of airborne particulate matter, fumes, and oil mists in the workplace, some illnesses that were considered rare only 20 years ago have skyrocketed in cases, primarily due to prolonged exposure to some kind of airborne particulate matter. COPD, silicosis, and popcorn lung are all examples of these impending health issues that have only recently surfaced in the vernacular. While many of these ailments have been known in medicine for multiple decades in some cases, very few of them have treatments that are near anywhere 100% effective in curing the damage caused by the lung tissues scarring.
These profoundly impactful particulate matter collectors, as you may have guessed, are collectively called “downdraft tables.” They are essentially specialized workstations equipped with built-in ventilation systems designed to capture and control dust, fumes, and other airborne contaminants. Here we will dive into some of the extensive range of uses for downdraft tables, showcasing their importance across manufacturing and beyond.